Wednesday, February 18, 2009



As an art form you painted I.
I then resembled human woman.
Beauty Natural beyond all measures.
As sweet as onion breath, because with you boo;
Something as funky as that is sweet to me.
For we lay in creative climates
Not to touch but to stir into each others nightly eyes.
For you rubbed my hand afraid to sleep before I.
So I lay in amazed daze trying to fight Z’s
Only to awake in the morning Artwork of you and I!!!

Mr. Bill the Collector

He pounds and he pounds
He rings and he rings
Because he is coming to collect
Collecting the goods from me, becauseI owe indeed.
Constantly running from the man but
As usual in a instant he catches me
So I sit locked up in my personal jail cell
Which happens to be my brain, just confused
By all these strange thoughts
Surrounding me, so I continue to write
Because I'm scared I may miss a beat
The beat to my poetry.

It's clear as to who I am and what I strive to be, but the man is still after me.
I guess its time to grow up and stop running from the man and pay
Mr. Bill the Collector oh yes indeed!!!!

I know what Mary J. Blidge meant when she said
"If you look in my eyes and see what I see"
What would you see?
You would see clutter thoughts.
Weird hearts, for someone that means so much to me!

: )

You would see a girl climbing to the top.
Sometimes it seems I can’t get enough.
Trying to escape the madness of my life and the negative things
Surrounding me.

; (

So I write to clear my thoughts.
I’m in search of new beginnings.
I’m in search for that man that I want to be with so much.
Not too much in search for him, but for things to fall in place should I say!


He holds my heart, even in distance.
I guess I have to keep this secret to myself until that day comes.
"If you look in my life and see what I see"
; )~

I see many people not being truthful with others.
I see many people running from past loves.
I see people not being honest about whom they really are.
I see men and women moving to the next person, because their not
Complete with their present love.
: (
So why does my heart hurt.
I guessI feel bad for others, because I’ve been there.
I guess I feel someway because I’ve been that woman your man thought about.
I’ve also been that woman that has lost her man and had the broken heart.
Although my innocence is clear and truthful,
I hurt for your struggle to stay.
I’ve been there and there is a better way.
"If you look in my eyes and see what I see."

: U

I guess, "Music is my lover," it loves me back.
It makes me feel good and relieved.
It stands there with me
Through and thick and then.
It makes me feel loved again and again.
Just waiting for my king to come running to me.
It brings peace, when I’m weathering many storms.
So for now I’ll say "Music is My Lover"
"If you look into my eyes and see what I see"
; )

Take a close look at me and see if you understand me.
Look into my dark brown eyes, feel my natural hair tell me do you see inside beauty.
I love to hear horns play they relax the energy of
Blood flowing through my 25 year old veins.
Say can you see ME if you look in my eyes and see what I see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He gave me intimacy

He gave me sweet kisses

He makes me feel like a woman should

When I look into his eyes, I see strength

Where did he come from, he exemplifies realness

He is so strong; I could have never imagined this

That's why he remains my lover

He helps me erase all the pain from the ex lover

For he is my jolly good fellow

He inspires me to be me

He prays for me and with me

For I believe he was Heaven sent

I know longer have feelings of resentment

For I am me and he is he!!!!

Hurting from the Ways


Hurting from the ways, mistreatment was the game
The game that led to people being insane
What about the wisdom, what about the knowledge
That is our youth that has to be saved
Saved because our children hurt
Yes their young, but we don’t fully understand
Understand that they are the future and we demand
Demand that they can be all they can be, but this is not the army
Our Children hurt, they need love
Love that is unconditional; so,
We must pray everyday; have you heard a family
That prays together will stay together
Together remaining that our children come first
They are the society for tomorrow
Break the trend of violence
Just like parents, children hurt
Hurt because they are confused
Left alone
One meal everyday, when they really need three
Three, yes so parents get it together
Our children, our youth must come first
If not they will continue to hurt
Hurt in a race that can’t be defeated
I say this because times are changing
But are we progressing!
Hmm!Maybe yes and May No! But
Just to tell you so, our children must come first
Or we should just forget about
How tomorrow’s future will go!!
Wake up our children indeed hurt!!!

Hello World

Welcome to Ms. Shi Shi's World,

This Blog is to basically show my creative side and to keep you updated on what I'm doing.

What Projects I'm working on and getting a glimpse of my orginal poetry. Pretty much the daily info of Ms. Shi Shi. Writing is creating

word expressions so people can visually see how your feeling. Enjoy folks and stay posted for

the creative juices that will flow very soon.


Ms. Shi Shi