Friday, May 8, 2009

Due time and Due Season

Picture taken by Marcus Young
By: Yours Truly Anshia B. Tull

As seasons change, so does life

We sometimes come across obstacles

But keeping God first you are able to proceed

So in your new season think of all the little things

You have faced and ask yourself

Is this Season going to be better for me?

Of course it will be whatever you let it be, but

In due season, you can always see where God

Has and will bring you
Its in many seasons were able to get a second chance to

Change things... to refresh our mind, body and soul.

So I’ll just say your in control and its

All in due time and due season

Common Interest

Common InterestWhere do you come from? Who are you? Why are you here? Why, Why, Why……Just some Common Interest happening here!!!

We wonder why and we want to know the reasons

We ask ourselves, how this can be

That we get to this level of chemistry

So fast, but feels so right, such a thrill but is all too real

For you appear in meaningful hours

For your character displays a beautiful light

Even in darkness your light would still glow

And you ask me how do I know?

I know because I see it, I’m mesmerized by it and I feel it

My vision is clear and I am not blinded

There’s a common interest happening here!

For it seems I’ve met you before, maybe somewhere

Else in history, like from another lifetime or something

So I’m left feeling speechless, everything just keeps shining bright

Like happiness and joy surrounds you as a human being

You tend to give off a positive light

Like Curtis Mayfield sings “These are the Makings of You”

I’m not quite sure to who you are and why you've come here

I do know we have a Common interest that I adore my dear!!!

Hezekiah's "Cure for the Common Soul"

Artist HezekiahMixxed by: Mr. Sonny James
Hezekiah Presents Cure for the Common Soul
The time has come for Rapper Hezekiah's
"Cure for the Common Soul" Mixtape, which dropped
May 1st.

We're also coordinating interviews with magazines, bloggers, and online news sites. So if you’re interested in an interview, appearances or drops, please contact

At this time I've added Hezekiah's Blogs, which have aired online over the last several weeks. We are excited and look forward to this Mixtape. Also watch out for his third album coming this summer. Please stay tuned and thanks for the support!!Hezekiah's Cure for the Common Soul Mixxed by Mr. Sonny James


Blog#7 Removed

Musical Lover

Once upon a time I fell in love with a pretty boy, but he was way to pretty for me. Once upon a time I tried to love a basketball player, but he didn’t love me. I fell in love with a scholar, but he was way too smart and political for me. I fell in lust with a musician, but we all know that was not supposed to be! In it all, God continued to love me, I just had to stop seeking all the wrong beings and Keep holding onto his trust, for his Agape love is always more than enough!

I just keep on falling!!!I fell in love with his rhythm, also with his flow and his vibrating sensations remind me of Common’s Go!This seems like melodies from heaven and his rhythmic pattern can sometimes drive me insane.He puts me in a natural high and sometimes the volume is so loud I just can’t turn him down, so I keep calling him Music, which happens to be his name.

For he speaks through my skin, he whispers around my ears, he yells, he screams, he laughs and he becomes soothing! He is everything I need in moments of harmonic clarity. There are many Moment’s that seem so real like déjà vu; I just know some of these moments have already appeared.

My common interest and I relate to his genius, and I sometimes become speechless. As the beautiful Minnie Riperton would sing la la la la la la, do do do do do, for loving you is easy.So, you wonder why I smile and it seems like we shall have endless love, it’s because he is music and I become his muse!

However, I have fallen in love with the feeling music gives me and when I do fall in love again; music will always be a part of me. In every relationship there’s been a song to show the emotional identity of what it was and what it will be. The love I have for music will never escape me.Music inspires me ceaselessly to strive higher and higher towards my shining star and allows love to peep in whole-heartedly!!